Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Temporary blog time-out

Dear Pooka-lovers:

I'm headed to San Francisco for work for the day, so don't worry -- no updates is a good thing. Keep thinking those good thoughts though.

Pooka, listen: I'm getting on a plane today, but then I'm coming right back. And tomorrow, depending on how your legs feel, you're going to come home again. So show the doc what a strong girl you are today, ok? Love you, Lou, see you in a little while.

1 comment:

SongBird said...

jessica, I work for your dad and often hear of his beloved 'grand-dog'. It was with great sadness he told us of Pooka's accident. I read one of your Apple articles your dad sent..... Very good. I hope you are in San Fran today to hear 'Steve' talk and unveil the latest wonders. My best healing thoughts to your pooch. I have pets of my own... Two dogs ( one is very human and like your Pooka, has his own website), five kids, one husband....(also all pets)