Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hydro-Pooka and more

Originally uploaded by Jessica Jessica
It's been a few weeks since Pooka's hydrotherapy sessions ended. I was away for one of those weeks, but from what I hear, she was still pretty active.

This week, we're stepping things up a bit, and went on our longest walk yet last night. She was freaked out by the traffic, so noisy on these wet winter roads, but still performed like a trooper and had energy to spare for a Maka-Pooka smackdown in the back yard after dinner.

She's getting used to our nightly stretching ritual and has stopped protesting as much on her sore side (the one they didn't operate on). She had been doing the "downward dog" stretch on her own, but in the last few days I've noticed she's working on "upward facing dog" too, a sign that the hip extension stretches are a little less challenging for her now. She's still walking funny, stiff-legged with a turned-in knee, but I'm starting to realize this isn't going to magically fix itself. I'm going to start upping her chase/run/play time and just see what happens.