Monday, September 8, 2008

Pooka accident update: post-op report, more details

Dr. A called and gave me the run-down. Her chest X-ray was fine. The mysterious "why are things out of whack" issue in the earlier films was due to positioning, and new X-rays showed no additional breaks in the sacrum. The break on her left side is far enough behind the joint that he decided to leave it alone, after rotating her leg around and judging range of motion and lack of crunchy, crackley bits.

He put two screws into her right side, and while he said his work on one was less than perfect, he said also that he didn't think it would make much practical difference.

So, she's closed up and resting, and they'll gauge her ability to put weight on the back legs tomorrow morning. That will likely be my next update.

Please direct your healing thoughts to her immune system, to accept the new screws and fix her wounds, and calming thoughts so she can get through these next days and weeks in the crate without too much frustration. And to kidneys and liver and all those other important parts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pook, you will be home soon, love awaits your return. i will be sending good vibes your way. i know the crate is hard to be in all the time, they better have given you a extra large one to be cozy. sleep tight little one---jenny