Monday, September 8, 2008

Pooka accident update: GOOD POTTY POOKA

Just called the overnight vet, Dr. C, for an end-of-shift update. Surgeons haven't arrived yet, but she promises to stick around until they do. So no appointment for us yet.

After the last conversation before I went to bed, C. had the staff take Pooka out again with slings on her back end to try for a regular pee, as opposed to the catheter attempt. And she did it! Good girl. She's been out every 4 to 6 hrs since, and let loose a significant torrent the second time, too. As was my hunch, Pooka just really didn't want to pee in the crate, or with all those people so close to her. I really emphasized that to C., and am really glad she gave it one more go. Now that Pooks knows how the system works, she's taking full advantage. GOOD POTTY, Pooka. GOOD GIRL!

The urine is looking dark, says C, which is to be expected given the muscle damage. She says it shouldn't harm her kidneys given the amount of fluids pumping through her. But she also said she's pulled Pook's food (which she wasn't eating anyway) and water because she's optimistic that the pup will get into surgery today.

Otherwise, her body temperature is "ok," which I imagine is code for, it's been down and back to normal. No fever, though. She's responding to her name and acting like a dog, so I'm not too worried about her cute little brain right now.

Doc is focused on the positives, like the fact that her heart and lungs are functioning well, no more bleeding, etc. She sounds upbeat, and so, I must be too. Now just waiting for the surgeons to arrive. Oh, and Dr. M: they have plenty of blood product on hand in case of need for transfusion.

Pooka Lucca: Listen, hon. Today's going to be rough, but you won't remember most of it. The big docs are going to take care of you. You're going to be pretty sore after, but they'll give you some good drugs to ease the pain. You'll spend a few more days and nights in their care, but then you'll be home to rest. Treats! After the surgery, as you get better, I need you to eat a bit of their food, OK? See you in a few hours, honey. I'll be on the scene making sure it all goes well. Love you, my sweet doggie.

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