Thursday, January 10, 2008

Update: 48 hours, no poop.

We went for an epic Canterbury Tales-style wander last night, with no results. Over hill and dale. To Mud Bay and Phinney Market. Ran into E. and Teddy, horsed around a bit. And still no rumblings. Also, noticed that she hasn't been drinking much water. Will call the vet if this persists.

The author of the interspecies telepathy book talks about clearing your mind, concentrating on the animal, and sending complete little mental pictures to it. So as our walk crossed the one-hour mark last night, I created a mental image of "How great it feels to have a really good poop." And sent it her way. No sign she got it.

Apparently interspecies telepathy works long-distance, too, so if you're so inclined, Dear Readers, please send similar thoughts her way today. I've got the day care folks watching closely and ready to report results.

On another note, she's taken to napping on the couch with a hind leg curled over her eyes. Perhaps "Gossip Girl" offended her sensibilities? Tough to make out in the cell phone snap, but I shall nevertheless post.

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