Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ridgeback-Malamute mix?

Sunday was Pooka's first real snow day, and she loved every second of it. M. and I cross-country skiied, and Pooka ran around in her new booties. The trail was not designated for dogs, but the alternative was a hectic snowmobile route, so we broke the rules and enjoyed an hour and a half of rolling hills and soft snow.

From the moment P.'s paws hit the trail, she was ecstatic, sprinting ahead, screeching to a halt in a cloud of snow, reversing course and hoofing it back. I've never seen her enjoy herself so much without another dog around.

I outpaced M. down one of the first big hills, and after waiting for her to appear for a minute or two, I called, out, "M., are you OK?" Silence. Then Pooka took off at full tilt up the hill and out of sight. I heard a faint, "Hi, Pooka." And then, my little Lassie, having confirmed M. was unhurt, dashed back down the hill and returned to me.

She was extremely attentive and obedient, came when I called, sat and stayed when other skiiers needed to pass. She bounded off the trail -- once. For one step. When she found herself up to her neck in snow, though, she hopped right back out.

Since the kitchen rampage, I've mostly been keeping her crated when I'm not around. But I did some additional Pookaproofing, including a new garbage can I can lock under the sink, and many new airtight bins for various food items.

I left her out twice in the last few days, in the evening. She has not wreaked any havoc in the kitchen, but she has a new trick: chewing almost all the way through her leashes, which hang by the front door.

The first time, I clipped on the leash and zipped out the door before I noticed it was hanging by a thread. One tug and poof! There went Pooka, with about 9 inches of the 6' leash dangling from her collar. Beelined for the neighbor's cat-door, of course. She is a very, very smart dog.

Last night, she didn't make it quite as deep into leash #2, so we made it around the block a few times before it gave way. I shall be dropping dough on leashes, and more storage bins, after work tonight.

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