Sunday, October 19, 2008

In which I call the Good Samaritan

I finally called her, the woman who left the note in Pooka's file, telling me she saw the accident over on Aurora. I don't want to dwell too much on the details, but I am glad I had a chance to thank her.

The person who hit Pooks had his whole family in the car, and felt terrible, she said. She disregarded advice of other onlookers, urging her not to touch Pooka, and went over to pet her. Then she and a friend drove P. to the shelter, and on their advice, turned around and took her to the emergency room. Thank you 100 times over, J.A., for all that work.

She said she was worried all these weeks that Pooka was so badly hurt that I wouldn't have the means to afford her care. She was very interested in the details of the injuries, and told me she had a little dachshund who fell off the sofa and was paralyzed in the hindquarters, but that it goes on walks in a little doggie wheelchair.

And that was that.

This week marks the beginning of slightly longer walks for P., so today I took her to the coffeeshop to visit with the baristas for a few minutes. Lots of sniffing and peeing along the way. And of course, when we got home...she wanted to turn around and go right back out. Soon enough, missy, soon enough.

1 comment:

negeen said...

Thanks for the update and so glad she's able to get out and about a bit. Must've been hard for you to revisit that day, but it was wonderful of you to thank that woman -- I'm sure she'd been thinking of you both alot. Post when you can and give Pooka my love and Nikita's too.